Tuesday, September 29, 2009

Social Bookmarking NETS III, IV

1. National Archive
One National Archive exhibit I chose to bookmark was "Charters of Freedom - The Declaration of Independence, The Constitution, The Bill of Rights." This exhibit explained the history of the Declaration of Independence, the Constitution, and the Bill of Rights. The second National Archive exhibit I bookmarked was "The Influenza Epidemic of 1918." The Influenza Epidemic occurred in 1918. This epidemic killed more people than any other illness in recorded history. One fifth of the total world's population was attacked by this epidemic.

Using primary sources in a classroom is very important because it allows the students to read and see first hand history. This also creates a more interesting way to learn about history. Students do not have to read boring textbooks. Rather, they are able to read about historians' personal interpretations and events.

2. Becoming a Culturally Competent Educator

Some at risk students include:low income students, English Language Learners, and students with disabilities. Three of the areas that fit my teaching style are:

~Network with parent, family, minority community, and faith-based organizations concerned with the needs of diverse students. Solicit their involvement and input in the design and implementation of initiatives for culturally, linguistically, racially, and ethnically diverse groups.
Explanation: It is important to communicate with your students' parents and family in order to fully understand your students' culture and community, and I think it is a necessity to incorporate your students' personal interests and cultures within the classroom.

~Determine the diverse groups served by your school. Consider cultural, linguistic, racial, and ethnic diversity. Find out the degree to which families and students in these groups are accessing available school services.
Explanation:Determining the diverse groups served by your school is important in order to incorporate your students' personal interests and cultures within the classroom.

~Gather and organize resource materials related to culturally diverse groups for use by school staff.
Explanation: It is so important to use resource materials related to culturally diverse groups for use by school staff. Using these resource materials will help you teach students and help the students with their learning.

3. Cyberbullying
I scored a total of 7 points. I am "Cyber Risky. I am not perfect. I haven’t done anything terrible and was just having fun. But, I need to remember not to repeat your behaviors, since they are all offenses. I need to keep in mind the pain that I might be causing others!

There are 4 different types of cyberbullying:
  • The Vengeful Angel
  • The Power-Hungry or Revenge of the Nerds
  • The “Mean Girls”
  • The Inadvertent Cyberbully or “Because I Can
This website explains how to prevent cyberbullying.

4. Kathy Schrock
In the “Subject Access” I chose "The Educator's Reference." This area listed many art and music lesson plans created by teachers. There were many great ideas that I would use in my classroom incorporating music and art within my classroom. In the “Teacher Helpers” I looked at the "Teacher Helpers' Slide Shows." This area had great slide shows that I could use within my classroom to help me with visuals.

5. Multiple Intelligences
Intrapersonal- 82
Verbal Linguistic-89
After watching the video, I learned that teachers must teacher in different ways to differentiate for each individual student. Some students are kinesthetic learners while others are visual learners.

6. Teaching Tolerance
5th grade

Collective Poem

  1. Give students a 3-by-5 card.
  2. Ask students to number 1 to 5 on the left border.
  3. Then ask them to list:
    • Your parents/guardians say that annoys you, makes you laugh, makes you feel safe or scares you.
    • Your favorite sound three times.
    • Your favorite place in the world.
    • Your favorite color five times.
    • Your favorite thing to do.

Students then read their own personal poetry. This is a great way to get students thinking about poetry and using their own personal experiences. This lesson also makes the students talk in front of their classmates and learn about each other.


According to a 2006 report from the American Civil Liberties Union, African Americans comprise more than 37% of people arrested for drug use, 59% of those convicted for drug use, and 74% of those sentenced to prison for drug use. African Americans comprise what percentage of U.S. drug users?
The answer is 15%. I think that is crazy that African Americans comprise 15% of U.S. drug users. That is a very high percentage rate!

Powder cocaine (largely used by wealthy people) and crack cocaine (largely used by economically disadvantaged people) contain roughly the same amount of the drug per gram. Under federal law, how much of these substances must an individual be convicted of possessing to be sentenced to a mandatory minimum of five years in prison?
The answer is 500 grams of powder or 5 grams of crack cocaine. If these drugs are illegal, why are you allowed to have any on you? I think if you have any amount of an illegal drug on you, you should get put in prison.

8. Neitquette

Thank you for taking the Netiquette Quiz!

You correctly answered 10 questions

Overall Score: 100%

It is important to teach students netiquette in order to know about social behavior on the internet and how important it is to be safe while using the internet. Students need to realize that people can lie and say they are someone else on the internet. They also need to remember that written words do not disappear. Written words are hard copies to what you have wrote. Lastly, students need to realize that they are talking to actual people on the internet, and sometimes words can mean something different to one person versus another.

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