Tuesday, September 15, 2009

journal #2

Harris, J., & Hofer M. (2009). Grounded Tech Integration. Learning and Leading with Technology, 37(2), Retrieved September 15, 2009 from

Harris and Hofer believe that teachers must become familiar with technology and use technology tools within their lesson plans. They explain that it is necessary for teachers to assess their students’ learning needs before integrating technology within their classroom. Harris and Hofer explain five basic steps to planning a learning event, regardless of the planning model used: choosing a learning goal, Make pedagogical decisions, select activity types to combine, select assessment strategies, and select the tools and resources.

What must teacher do in order to be able to integrate students into instruction effectively?

Teachers must first become familiar, comfortable, and competent with technologies to be able to incorporate them into their classroom effectively. But, this alone does not ensure successful technologically assisted teaching since technology integration strategies begin with and focus on the technologies' limitations and strengths.

What is the first step to planning a learning event?

The first step to planning a learning event is choosing a learning goal. It is essential to begin with an appropriate learning goal for your students. These learning goals are normally framed by the individual school’s district, state and, or national content-based curriculum standards.

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