Tuesday, September 15, 2009

journal #1

Journal 1: Online Learning

Coyle, S., Jones, T., & Pickle, S.K. (2009). From Alaska to Arkansas, Districts are Experimenting with Online Learning to Solve Access Problems. Learning & Leading with Technology, 37(2), Retrieved September 9, 2009 from http://www.iste.org/Content/NavigationMenu/Publications/LL/LLIssues/Volume3720092010/SeptemberOctoberNo2/e_Learning_Programs_Come_in_All_Shapes_a.htm

This article explains three different online learning programs that are being utilized throughout schools. The Yukon-Koyukuk School District (YKSD) in Alaska uses online learning to position teachers into virtual classrooms. They use the on-line learning in order for students to receive instruction. The Baltimore County Public Schools (BCPS) use online learning to make it achievable for individuals to take on-line courses on their own time. This allows students to have flexible school schedules. On-line learning in Arkansas also allows the students to have a flexible class schedule, and permits students to enroll in specialized courses.

As a future teacher, how can educate my students in technology and make technology fun for them?
As a future teacher, I can educate my students on on-line learning by exposing them to on-line courses, and explaining to them how important technology is in everyday life. I would also show my students how fun technology can be, and incorporate technology in every day assignments.

What are pros of on-line courses? Cons?
On-line courses are great for students who have a busy life, or who are not cut out for a classroom environment. Students enrolled in on-line courses are able to work on their own personal time. A con of on-line courses is that students will not be verbally communicating with other peers. I think that learning how to communicate and work with others is a necessity within life in general.

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