Tuesday, October 27, 2009

Inspiration NETS III

Using Inspiration, I created a graphic organizer that shows the relationship between my work in Ed422 and the NETS-T. Under each NETS subtopic, I connected assignments that I completed that would meet the standard. Each assignment example became subtopics of the standard. Each artifact has an appropriate graphic representation.

PowerPoint NETS II, III

I created a short PowerPoint describing NETS for students K-2 and presented it to my peers. I become familiar with the NETS for students. My Powerpoint presentation addressed a specific k-2 grade level performance indicator.

Tuesday, October 13, 2009

journal #7 Photo Sharing

"Photo Sharing"

Photo Sharing allows people to share and upload photos. Photo Sharing has an easy uploading process that is easy to use. You simply upload the selected photos or slide shows and it does all the work for you! It is a easy and effective way to share your personal photos. When using Photo Sharing, teachers are able to share their pictures with students and their families without having to burn a CD or upload their personal slide shows to the school's website. Teachers can use iphoto to upload their own photos. Teachers can use Photo Sharing to create slide shows for his/her classroom. Being able to access slide shows on-line is a great way for students that are sick to catch up on their missed work. Having students upload their personal slide shows or projects onto Photo Sharing also creates a better way to communicate with their peers. They can work cumulatively on projects while at home. Having students turn in their final work is also a great way for the teacher to stay organized and have his/her students/ work neatly together on Photo Sharing.

An example when a teacher might incorporate Photo Sharing with his/her students is having each individual student upload personal photos of their favorite hobbies, their friends and family and their lifestyles in the beginning of the year. This is an easy, and fun way for students to learn more about each other and create a better classroom community. Sharing their photos will allow them to become more comfortable with one another.

Some threads included in "Photo Sharing are: "Best Web Resource for Photo-Sharing with Students/Families" (http://www.classroom20.com/forum/topics/best-web-resource-for), "Looking for Photo Examples of Rule of Thirds" (http://www.classroom20.com/forum/topics/looking-for-photo-examples-of), and "Filming and photographing kids for blogs - is it ok?" (http://www.classroom20.com/forum/topics/filming-and-photographing-kids).

Power Point Rubric NETS II, III

Created a powerpoint rubric in small groups in order to grade a powerpoint on NETS.

journal entry 6

Kohn, A. (2006). The Trouble with Rubrics. English Journal, 95(4), Retrieved October 6, 2009 from

In the article, "The Trouble with Rubric, " author Alfie Kohn explains why rubrics are not the best assessment to use in classrooms. Kohn expresses although rubrics are an easy and efficient way to assess students, rubrics are not always effective. Kohn believes that grading students' work should not be easy and quick since the students' took their time and effort in delivering their work. Kohn states, "students whose attention is relentlessly focused on how well they’re doing often become less engaged with what they're doing. There’s a big difference between thinking about the content of a story you’re reading (for example, trying to puzzle out why a character made a certain decision), and thinking about your own proficiency at reading." He feels that students who complete their work based off a rubric for the assignment is no longer completing the assignment and learning from it. Instead, the rubric creates a checklist of the information they need to incorporate within the assignment. He also states that rubrics are unnecessary to justify the students' work to parents.

If you were a teacher would you use rubrics?
Yes, I think that I would use rubrics within my classroom. I think that it gives students a checklist how to get a good grade. With a rubric, I am telling the students what they need to incorporate in order to receive an A.

Do you believe you can use rubrics to assess students?
I think you can use rubrics to assess students to a certain degree. But, I also think it is very important to use visual and oral assessments within your classroom because some students who do not do well on rubrics still may understand and comprehend the learned material.